Sunday, 12 December 2010

Good news already for Henlow campaign

Within days of the start of Bedfordshire Greyhound Action's campaign to close the dog track at Henlow Stadium, we have received the following message:-

Our local pub had an outing to Henlow dog track in Bedfordshire yesterday and my husband and I went along. There were a couple of people with placards at the gate – until I saw them I hadn’t really thought anything about the dogs themselves - if I had done, I would have assumed they were cared for. When I got home, I looked up information on the internet, and won’t be going again.

This is very encouraging, as, in our experience, for every person who tells us they will never attend greyhound racing again, there are many others who have also been put off from "going to the dogs", but don't take the trouble to get in touch.

Local Greyhound Action supporters have begun to hold weekly demos/leafletting outside the track as part of the campaign. For contact details/more info, see

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Campaign launched to close Henlow greyhound track

Following a very successful demonstration on November 27th, local Greyhound Action supporters have decided to launch a campaign to close the greyhound track at Henlow Stadium and are hoping to hold regular demos/leafletting there on Saturday evenings.

Please try to help/support this campaign, especially if you live in or near the Bedfordshire/North Herts area.

If you'd like to take part in demos, even if only occasionally, or help in any other way, please contact Bedfordshire Greyhound Action at or on 07938 819794.

There was controversy surrounding the Henlow track last year when a trainer who races greyhounds there had four healthy dogs "put down" by a local vet (see

In addition to such appalling incidents, the existence of the track is responsible for the putting to death of an estimated 400+ greyhounds every year, because of the demand it creates for these dogs to be bred and subsequently disposed of, after failing to make the grade as racers or when their "careers" on the track come to an end.

Thursday, 2 December 2010