Important message below from Kerry Greyhound Connection
We have received the e-mail below from Angela Yardley, and are passing on the information. There is an example letter below for you to use or to use the information in it to write your own letter. There is also a petition. Please act now. We all need to work together to try to prevent this appalling situation becoming a death sentence for so many Irish greyhounds.
The Kerry Greyhounds Team
Please write to Simon Coveney - e-mail and letter to use (if you wish) below. Also please forward this to as many people as possible. Things appear to be moving along and it is vital we register our concern yet again. Thank you
Urgent Irish Greyhound Board/China
In light of recent reports that the Irish Greyhound Board (IGB) have had talks with Chinese investors about the establishment of a Greyhound industry in China, I have been informed that an official proposal has now been submitted to the Dept of Agriculture in Ireland. The proposal asks for approval to set up greyhound racing in China including the exportation of Irish dogs.
I am now urging everyone to write to the Dept of Agriculture in Ireland ( to express your deep concern about this issue (below is a letter template, if required).
Thank you for your support!
Care2 have also launched a petition against this proposal:
Re: Irish Greyhound Board involvement with Greyhound Racing in China
Dear Simon Coveney
I am writing to you about my concerns in relation to the involvement of the Irish Greyhound Board (IGB) in talks with a Chinese delegation concerning the establishment of a greyhound industry in China. I am particularly worried that this project may include the export of Irish greyhounds.
I consider this initiative by the IGB to be ill-advised and a massive step backwards in achieving a well regulated and safe environment for greyhounds both in Ireland and elsewhere in the world. The idea of sending greyhounds to China stands in stark contrast to the letter and spirit of the recently drafted Welfare of Greyhounds Bill 2010, which was finalised by the Department of Agriculture following extensive consultation with the greyhound industry and the welfare community.
As a concerned individual who believes in the welfare of dogs I want to seem regulation of the greyhound industry with better welfare provision for greyhounds, during breeding, training, kennelling, racing, transportation and retirement. Despite the best intentions of the IGB I believe this will be impossible to monitor in China, a country where there is no legislative protection for greyhounds.
I respectfully ask that you intervene in this matter in order to prevent a situation which will reflect poorly on Ireland, having already received global condemnation with regards to this matter and most importantly which will adversely impact the welfare of Irish greyhounds.
I look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,